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Internal Displacement Policy and Action

Wednesday 14 – Friday 16 February 2024 I WP3346

CHIldren displaced in a changing climate

The SG Action Agenda on Internal Displacement

Recognising this crisis, and responding to an appeal from 57 States, the Secretary-General (SG) established a High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement at the end of 2019. Over the course of 19 months, the Panel consulted widely and sought out new ways to better prevent and achieve lasting solutions to internal displacement. It presented its final report on 29 September 2021, with 10 overarching recommendations for improved action.

In June 2022, recognising the internal displacement crisis, the SG launched the SG Action Agenda on Internal Displacement to ‘anchor’ the issue within the UN system. It outlines 31 commitments for the UN system to advance solutions to internal displacement, prevent future displacement crises from emerging, and strengthen the quality of protection and assistance provided to those who are already displaced.

With the Special Adviser on Solutions for Internal Displacement pushing to step up joint efforts to prevent displacement crisis throughout 2024, participants discussed critical opportunities to position children and young people within the global IDP agenda and how to engage stakeholders outside the humanitarian and development space.

Potential next steps
  • Leverage opportunities to engage in the High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP), High Level Process/Events in 2024 and 2025 to include a focus on prevention/preparedness for future displacement.
  • Establish a group of champion governments on prevention of internal displacement.
  • Create an IDP advisory constituency as part of the UNFCCC/COP – building on the new IDP advisory group.

Kampala Declaration

Participants pointed to the need to build on existing mechanisms and frameworks including the Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment and Climate Change (KDMECC-AFRICA), which outlines 12 commitments by its signatory countries to address the effects of climate change on human mobility in the East and Horn of Africa region. The expansion of the Kampala Declaration has involved strong engagement from African youth and provides a critical entry point to strengthen government systems and services to be prepared for climate-related displacement and mobility of children.


Building a common vision to prevent and prepare for accelerating child displacement in the context of climate change 


Preparing and strengthening child-critical systems and services

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